The DAW SE Trainee Programme:

International Management

"Personally, I find it good that the corporate family stands behind the company and can also be seen in the company operation."

Jan G., 29 years old, Area Controller

Our International Management Trainee Programme in three moving pictures:

The International Management Trainee Programme of DAW SE has been distinguished as a fair and career-promoting programme.
Only programmes acknowledging the "Charter of career-promoting & fair trainee programmes" and which fulfil the charter's requirements are granted the award.
Target group
Our International Management Trainee Programme offers motivated university graduates the opportunity to prepare themselves specifically for a later career in management at DAW SE. Programme content
During the trainee programme you gain a comprehensive overview of the various structures and working areas in DAW SE and you pass through three of the following departments: Marketing/Sales, Personnel Department, Finances/Controlling, Production/Logistics, IT and also Purchasing or In-house Consulting. Also part of the programme is a project of several months in International Business including working abroad in one of our subsidiary companies.

Our trainee programme in the field of International Management is particularly characterised by being matched to the personal strengths of the career entrant and supplemented through regular feedback meetings. Additionally, during the whole training period an experienced mentor from top management is provided for each trainee to follow his professional and personal development. Networking events as well as regular meetings of the trainees amongst themselves encourage the interchange of experience and facilitate the establishment of successful networks in the company. Apart from intensive "on-the-job training" each trainee can extend his specialist expertise through internal professional development. Target
Following the trainee programme various opportunities are offered to the trainees for taking on a responsible position. Duration and boundary conditions
The International Management Trainee Programme lasts in total 18 months. Each trainee receives right at the start an open-ended contract as well as a reasonable salary which can be increased after the programme according to performance.

Programme procedure:

You can expect this from us:

  • 18 months of challenging projects in various company areas
  • Experience in three different distribution channels: wholesale, retail trade and direct sales
  • Working in one of our international companies for a period of several months.
  • Networking events
  • Coaching by experienced managers in the relevant stations
  • A personal mentor from top management
  • Further training and development programmes
  • An open-ended contract from the start

We expect this from you:

  • Very good results from your course of study
  • Understanding of economic relationships
  • Entrepreneurial thinking and target-orientated behaviour
  • Structured working methods
  • Communication and social skills
  • High level of initiative
  • Relevant internships
  • International experience, e.g. through an internship or course of study abroad
  • Good English knowledge, any other language is of advantage

A glance behind the scenes

Blog of the International Management Trainees at DAW SE If you would like to know which subjects the International Management Trainees are currently working on at DAW or you would like an insight into the programme of individual trainees, then you are very welcome to visit our blog. Here our trainees report on a very personal DAW experience. We hope you enjoy reading the blog. to the blog