Application hints for the apprenticeship

Application period:
For an apprenticeship we require your application documents approx. one year before the planned start of the apprenticeship. Since we check each document individually and our selection processes for the various professions are very different, it may be that you will not hear from us for quite a while after receiving the confirmation of receipt or after the recruitment test. Of course, we try to inform you as quickly as possible about the next steps. Not all apprenticeship places are vacant throughout the year or are offered every year. Therefore, please refer to our website to see whether your desired job is posted. The application procedure runs during the whole year. There are no fixed application deadlines. Procedure for the application process:
First of course, we need your application by post or e-mail ( Please note in this respect that apprenticeship places at our subsidiary companies are dealt with directly from there. Therefore, contact our subsidiary company directly with your application. An overview of all apprenticeship professions and contact persons can be found here. If your application impresses us, we will invite you to a recruitment test with which we test your capabilities and qualifications. Once you have passed through the first step, you will receive the invitation to a personal interview in which we would like to get to know you better. If you have been able to convince us personally, an internship week follows in some apprenticeship professions, so that you obtain an exact overview of your future tasks and can make your first contacts. If now both sides feel that everything is going fine, all that is needed is your signature on the apprenticeship agreement and you can start! Your application:
In principle the digital application is no different from the printed version. First of all, we need an informative letter in which you briefly introduce yourself and explain to us why you have chosen particularly this apprenticeship in our company. In addition, draw up a tabular personal data sheet, preferably with a photograph, contact data, school education, training, internships, which shows us who you are and what you have already learnt. Your last two reports together with any internship certificates should of course also be included. If you are sending your application to us as an e-mail, you should restrict the number of attachments to five (max. size per file: 2 MB) and the documents should be appended in a standard format (PDF, doc, docx, JPG, PowerPoint). Recruitment test:
Your application documentation has impressed us and the invitation to the recruitment test indicates to you that you are already short-listed. A recruitment test is a very good opportunity for us to objectively check your ability and your suitability for the profession. Examples:
  • Continue series of numbers, letters or figures, for analogies or opposites.
  • Apart from general knowledge, knowledge which you have acquired in the school will be tested.
  • Various arithmetic problems will of course also be included.
  • Generally, you should refresh your knowledge in the subjects of history, geography, politics and social studies.
You have passed the recruitment test and already the next hurdle is in sight. Here are two hints for the optimum preparation for your interview:
  • Keep calm and do not put on an act. It is because of your qualifications that you have been invited for an interview. We see that you have potential. Tell us about interesting things which you have learnt or about your exciting hobbies. What experience have you already had in internships? It is up to you to sell yourself and to convincingly present your capabilities.
  • Clothing and punctuality are very important. The first impression which we have of you is often decisive. It is essential to be properly clothed. But you should nevertheless feel comfortable, otherwise the effect is not authentic. Your clothes should not be too casual nor too styled. Together with your punctuality this indicates to us that you are motivated and that you are taking the meeting seriously.
  • Find out about your dream profession and about us. Take a good look at our website. This is because the more you know about us, the more relaxed you will be in interview.
  • If you would like to know more, who we are and what we do, you are showing us that you are interested. Before the interview make a list of questions which you think may not be addressed from our side.